Sunday, October 4, 2009

KS&L 302 Clearing Items of Negative Energy Part 3: Difficulties in Clearing Some Things

There are occasions that will come up when it will be exceptionally difficult if not utterly impossible to clear something. The reasons are wide ranging, but for this discussion they can be grouped into the following categories• The method you are using to clear the object, is just not strong enough. If you try to use sage and dragon’s blood incense or any other kind of incense to clear negative energy, routinely, this will not work. The negativity may leave for a little while and make you feel better, but it has no lasting affect. Burning real sage also feels good, but it will not permanently clear anything.

• You may have a great deal of difficulty clearing an object that someone gives you if that person is still emotionally attached to the piece. No method will work here. You may have to wrap it in salt and aluminum foil, shiny side in, until the person has finally emotionally released the item.

• Sometimes there is so much karma is attached to the object or location, that it cannot be cleared for many hundreds of years, if ever. Consider that the Nazi concentration camps will not be able to be cleared in anyone’s lifetime. The negative karma that was created there cannot be cleared with any mechanical tool. Even prayers said there will take millennia to clear the profound sadness, the tears, the pain, and the violence that is embedded in the very soil. Consider that there are locations all around the world like this.

• Weapons that have been used in violence are extremely difficult to clear. Imagine that a decorated dagger was used in a murder. It shows up in an antique shop. You are not going to know the history of this object unless the shop owner tells you about it and that is unlikely.

• The difficulty with an antique dagger or any other antique weapon is that without knowing the history of the object, you also have no idea what karma is attached to it. Once you purchase it, you are now tied into the karma of the object whether you know it or not. There is a reason that the Hope diamond is in the Smithsonian Museum and that is because of course it was a gift, but the very negative karma attached to that stone cannot influence something as large as an entire country, but it can have a powerful influence on a person.

• Follow this logic trail and you can then understand why small businesses fail repeatedly at one location, but a national chain can move into that same spot, and do well. The spot cannot specifically influence something as large as a huge business chain.

• Some areas or even objects, can have a resonance of darkness. An example is the piece of property in southern United States where several terrible events took place on the property, but no one stayed in the area long enough to have enough corporate memory of the area to warn potential buyers of the problem. In these cases, a more sophisticated space clearing professional has to be brought in to work on the property.

• Objects that were part of Nazi Germany, such as arm bands, weapons, flags, insignia and clothing carry with it very powerful negative karma. It is wise to completely avoid owning any of these objects or having anything like them in your home or office. These objects are tied into the karma of the Nazi’s and cannot be cleared.

Not everything can be cleared and sometimes, the karma just has to work itself out. Prayers said, spiritual practice done in an area, can eventually, over many, many years, begin to shift the energy of a location. However, most people either will never know this or will not have the financial time to spend while the place is healed. Usually a very negative place will drain its owners financially for a very, very long time, essentially precluding any real healing on the property.

Part 4 will address how to test your property or object to see if it is fully cleared.

1 comment:

  1. Yeesh, that's a bit scary. I own a number of WWII flying helmets and aviation related articles, some of which are German. Any ideas of what I can do to clear the negative energy as they are very dear to me. Is it worth trying?
