Sunday, May 4, 2014

Animal Vibration by Tina Erwin

Recently, I received this question and found it so important, that I thought I would share it.
Dear Tina,
I recently attended an Equine Affaire in Pomona. It’s a wonderful four day event that has all kinds of information about horses and their care. At the event, there are several presentations on Alternative Therapies for Horses. One in particular was on “Improving Your Relationship with Your Horse by Exploring and Understanding Vibration Levels.”
The presenter referenced the book Power vs. Force and stated that Horses naturally vibrate at the level of Serenity (500-Love). And the reason why it feels so good to be around them, is that they raise our vibration during the time we are with them. So, if this is true, then do other animals vibrate at the same level or higher? And, if this is true, does having pets (dogs, cats, rabbits, etc.) raise our vibration and for how long?
My thoughts would be that animals (and children) directly reflect their owners (and parents). The higher the vibration of the owner, the higher the vibration of the animal can be. Horses naturally have a high vibration, but not if they have been abused, that is an entirely different story. They will need someone of a higher vibration to help them recover and ‘return’ to their best frequency. Some animals are so hurt, that they never recover, not unlike people. I would question any generalization regarding vibration/frequency. Each situation is unique.
Animals have different vibrations for a reason. Pit bulls and dogs specifically bread for fighting cannot have the same vibration as a cocker spanial or an Irish setter. Service dogs are service dogs for a reason and that reason is frequency. Doberman’s, German Shepards, and Labs on the other hand very probably start out high because of their exceptional level of intelligence. How they are treated will have a direct affect on their specific vibration.
C.W. Leadbeater did an entire treatise on the vibration of various levels of the animal kingdom and not all animals are created equal. Some cats are higher than others. Some animals come in with karma to work out and they pick specific owners to work them out with  during their lifetime. The entire animal kingdom is evolving just like humans are.
Having pets can raise our vibration or they may not have any direct affect. You have certain pets for as long as you need to have them, just like experiences, the same laws apply because owning a pet is an experience in and of itself. If you allow a pet to bring out the best in you, to teach you and your family all the lessons of love, responsibility, compassion and the ultimate, unconditional love and finally sacrifice, then the pet will raise your vibration. But not everyone willingly embraces those experiences. Everything is relative.
An interesting side note is that people with AIDS do better when they have pets, they live longer and are happier in their situation because they have to take care of a pet and they receive unconditional love. In this situation the pet’s job is to raise the frequency of the aids patient and help them through the dying process. That animal earns exceptionally positive karma for that task. The AIDS patient can die having felt unconditional love. These are really wonderful things.
Perhaps I could go on and on, but those are my thoughts - excellent question, thanks for sharing!  Love, Tina

Photography by Tina Erwin

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