Sunday, April 13, 2014

Who Gave Them Permission? by Tina Erwin

Who are these elusive people who make decisions that affect an entire planet? Did you ever wonder who they are? Did you ever wonder who gave them permission to do what they are doing?
       Who gave them permission to violate our gorgeous blue skies with chemical trails day after day?
       Who gave them permission to fill our air with Strontium 90, Aluminum and Boron?
       Who gave them permission to control the weather through the use of HAARP?
       Who gave them permission to penetrate the ionosphere with massive electromagnetic pulses, which are changing life and the weather on the Earth itself?
       Who gave them permission to control the weather such that the drought in California and the massive storms of the East coast economically cripple vast portions of the United States?
       Who gave them permission to change the very DNA of seeds with poison?
       Who gave them permission to kill millions upon millions of life giving, life sustaining bees?
       Who gave them permission to seek to kill every living thing outside of their seeds?
       Who said it was even sane to sue farmers because the wind carried poisonous seed on to their land?
       Who gave them permission to fill our ground water with massive amounts of chemicals so that less and less water is fit to drink?
       Who gave them permission to deny California farmers access to water to water to feed their crops.
       Who gave them permission to deny parents the choice to vaccinate their children?
       Who gave them permission to fill vaccines with polysorbate 80, aspartame, mercury, aluminum, and animal and insect DNA and aborted fetal tissue?
       Who gave them permission to force the HPV vaccine on young boys and girls, thereby crippling them for the rest of their life?
       Who gave them permission to force the Hepatitis B vaccine on newborns, only minutes old such that it has become the leading cause of SIDS death in babies?
       Who gave them permission to mentally cripple an entire generation of children with autism caused by highly poisonous vaccines?
       Who gave them permission to fill our skies with vaccine mists?
       Who gave them permission to force vaccines at gunpoint on the children of African families?
       Who gave them permission to bully countries of the world, to threaten them with ‘retaliation’ if they do not use these murderous genetically modified seeds?
       Who gave them permission to poison all sugar beets with glyophosphate?
       Who gave them permission to poison all corn with roundup pesticide?
       Who gave them permission to poison all soy with roundup pesticide?
       Who gave them permission to poison all papaya with roundup pesticide?
       Who gave them permission to try to poison all apples, salmon, rice and other fruits, vegetables and meat with their DNA alternating chemical experiments?
       Who gave them permission to poison increasing numbers of grains with their pesticide chemicals?
       Why does any company need a patent on ‘aluminum resistant seed?’
       Who gave them permission to lie about the ingredients in drugs, the testing of drugs?
       Who gave them permission to filter the news?
       Who gave them permission to decide what we think, what we believe and what we purchase?
        Who gave them permission to grope the bodies of our babies, our elderly and our citizens in their most private parts, in public just to get to ride on an airplane, in the name of safety?
       Who gave them permission to issue an executive order to suspend all civil rights in the United States on the whim of any president?
       Who gave them permission to increasingly remove Constitutional rights?
       Who are these people who are seeking to steal our rights?  
       Who are these people who are poisoning our skies?
       Who are these people who are controlling our weather?
       Who are these people who are poisoning our oceans with radiation?
       Who are these people who are poisoning our food?
       Who are these people who are denying us the right to know what is in our food?
       Who are these people who are changing the very earth that grows all living things from acidic to alkaline, thereby destroying our capacity to grow food, for animals to live and for life itself to live?
       Who are these people who are destroying bees, butterflies and virtually all insects and who are moving up the food chain?
       Who are these people who are poisoning our bodies with drugs and vaccines?
       Who are these people who think that you can experiment on human beings without karmic consequences, without catastrophic results?
       Who are these people who have no conscience about a 50% cancer, 60% massive obesity and growing illness rates in this country?
       Why is the rest of the world trying to resist US companies in their murderous onslaught of polluting the world with their drugs, seeds and atmospheric damage?
       Just because any person, company or government has a power to do something does not make it morally, legally or karmically right.
       Every single person has to do something to stand up for what is the right thing, before there is nothing left to stand up for in the future before us. If we each call a company and tell them that we are refusing to purchase their product, or tell a politician that we won’t vote for them if they continue to agree to the perpetuation of these terrible things. If we do not stand up for doing the right thing, we will have learned nothing from the past, from that time when people lost their rights to live. Think about history, Germany, what was Soviet Union, China, and now North Korea.
       Freedom is never free.  Do something that works to bring life, not death, but life back to this planet, to our morals, our ethics, to who we are.
       .  .  .  . and start today before there is no recognizable tomorrow.

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