Sunday, January 26, 2014

That Sharp Stick in your Eye by Tina Erwin

       If you have a sharp stick in your eye, it is extremely difficult to heal your eye until you actually remove that sharp stick. Metaphorically meaning that before you can correct a problem, you have to understand the root of the problem and sometimes it is so obvious that you can’t see it because it completely takes up all of your vision. Let’s use this example.
       Recently I received a request to psychically clear an antique shop in Solana Beach, California. The client said that they were sure that there were ghosts, and maybe something more, something that felt really dark there so they asked if I could just ‘clear’ it.
       That’s a pretty straightforward request. However, when you work in the world of metaphysics, nothing is, as it seems.
       First of all you can never fully clear any antique shop because some ghosts forever attach themselves to certain pieces of worldly goods and stay with those mortally created things, be they jewelry, a bed a couple may have slept in for 60 years, or a teddy bear cherished by a ghostly child. So the antique shop owner will have that ghost until the item is sold.
       What can any intuitive, worth his or her salt actually do in an antique shop? The only thing you can do is to clear it for the moment. Then if you have that skill, you can clear the property through the stacks of time, removing any haunting predecessor energy. However, a ghost may come in with the next antique piece of furniture, so no antique shop is ever fully cleared. However, a ghost is one thing, dark beings are quite another and those have a very different cause.
       Back to our shop in Solana Beach: so before I accepted the job of clearing this shop I asked the shop owner if she had a Tarot deck. I always start there, because this is the most common form of entry-level black magic and it will always contaminate any location for an unending amount of time. She said that she did own a deck but claimed that she never used it. I asked her if she kept it by her bed. Yes, she replied, and wondered how I knew this. People who own Tarot decks routinely keep them either under their bed, in their nightstand or somewhere in their bedroom. There is a reason for this.
       You can never clear any location be it shop or home or person, as long as someone close to the situation owns a Tarot deck, a Ouija Board or actively plays Dungeons and Dragons. The reason is that each of these extremely toxic tools of the dark side, opens a doorway to a dark world that few if any mortals know is now open, much less have any idea how to close. And very, very frequently, these tools, especially Tarot are kept in a bedroom because the dark side accesses the owner in the sleep state. Once you own them, whether or not you ever use them, these cards now own you. Tarot gives the card reader or deck owner, an illusion of false power. The card deck owner however, instantly becomes the pawn of a darker intelligence and this being will suck energy not just from the deck owner, but the owner’s family and any hapless person who ever asks for ‘a reading.’
       So I asked the antique shop owner if she would be willing to destroy her Tarot deck explaining how much darkness the deck was bringing to her life. She became instantly defensive and said she would think about it and get back to me. I never heard from her again.
       That Tarot deck was the sharp stick in her eye. She was unable to see how it was affecting her because it was so effectively blinding her vision. Tarot deck owners pretty routinely defend their deck. The pawn is readily directed to hold onto that toxic card deck/strings of control.
       All pawns have power, even pawns manipulated by a dark intelligence. All she had to do was to burn that deck, something she was most reluctant to do. It takes a surprising amount of effort to burn a Tarot deck because there will be active resistance but once you do and then you psychically clean and clear your house you will be in much better shape.
       Ironically, the antique shop owner knew that something was wrong, that something felt off and didn’t quite know what that was so she sought someone to help her. However, at the end of the day, she was unwilling to give up her cards even though she kept insisting that she wasn’t using them and they couldn’t possibly be influencing her. Tarot decks always influence you, whether you use them or not. If you do use them and do ‘readings,’ you incur the karma of now, negatively influencing each person you contaminate with your cards. This is why the person receiving the reading, shuffles the deck: a connecting cord with that card deck and the hapless fortune seeker is instantly, and forever created. It’s a very toxic cord.
       When the shop owner refused to burn her deck, I knew I would never hear from her again. A haunted antique shop is one thing, but a shop connected to darker intelligences is quite another. It is unlikely that the shop will do as well as they hope it will because of what they are chronically connected to in the sleep state. It’s amazing how this works. It’s like leaving your front door open in winter: you will never be able to heat your space if you leave your door open. And no psychic can clear any space if the owner owns one of these toxic ‘sharp stick in your eye’ Tarot decks.     

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