Sunday, November 10, 2013

KS&L 411: Find the Courage to Do the Right Thing When Karma Shuffles the Deck by Tina Erwin

       We are living in times of heightened awareness of the United States Constitution. Most people don’t know on a comfortable basis exactly what the Constitution actually says about freedom, but we quote it as if we do.
       The entire point of the Constitution is to protect the rights of the individual against the ravages of grabs for power like any big government is likely to do. This is the macrocosm.
       The microcosm is the issue of doing the right thing. This is quite a bit harder to do than it would appear. Just do the right thing. Straightforward, easy to get, just do it.
       That’s pretty easy if the issue is basic right and wrong. It’s quite a bit harder if the issue is about 28 shades of grey. Maybe it comes down to loyalty.
       The military makes every single member take an oath to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.”
      Well, protecting the country from a perceived foe is pretty straight forward, but what about protecting our precious Constitution from ourselves? From that domestic enemy? Who might that be realistically? Here are two real life examples.
       Many Christmases ago, a very wayward sailor decided on Christmas day that he and a few cohorts were going to take over a nuclear submarine. Pretty astounding, I know. They made quite a plan. None of their shipmates knew about it. But someone who never took any kind of an oath did know this was going to happen, the girl friend of the master planner. So she tipped off Naval Investigative Service. She saved countless lives. She did the right thing because she is an American who believes in basic goodness.
       But what if doing the right thing domestically is questionable? What if you know that your government is doing terrible things, is violating every constitutional right that we all hold dear? What would you do? What if you believe that the government’s justification for this action is the grossest violation of the Constitution? What if you learn that your government is lying to the American people? What would you do?
       What if you find yourself in a position to advise a high-ranking government official to do the right thing? What if his decision could affect the lives of thousands? What if he tells you it is for the protection of a fleet, or ‘innocent lives’ and yet you know in your soul the ends of his plan do not justify the means he is considering: the shredding of the Constitution.
       Courage is not action when life is easy.
       Courage is action when karma shuffles the cards and deals you the hand of a lifetime. Deals you the hand that will make a critical difference for all of history.
       It’s corny isn’t it, standing up for the right thing? But what if all of us, in our day-to-day jobs stand up for the right thing, when it isn’t popular, cool or politically correct?
       If you know it’s wrong, Say So!!!!
       If it violates the Constitution, Say So!!!
       If what this person is planning will do more harm than good, STAND UP AND BE COUNTED!
       Patriots don’t wake up and decide to be patriots. Patriots wake up to find themselves standing the midst of do or die situations and in that karmic shuffle of the deck, there he or she is, holding on to that spiritual ideal that is our Constitution.
       If you know that our government is harming us, and you are a politician, use the correct political means to change what is happening. Be a patriot in that critical moment. This is why you were voted into office.
       Can you be spiritual and be a patriot? Heavens, I hope so! Doing the right thing, working hard to discern what is the right thing is why being on the spiritual path is so challenging. No one said this would be easy.
       Stand up and don’t just thank a veteran. Be that patriot. Be the person who stands up for the right thing in every moment that you can. Find the passion in you for changing what is clearly wrong.
       Sometimes that will be to defend trees.
       Sometimes to defend bees against annihilation by greedy fertilizer companies.
       Sometimes it will be to stop bullying in schools.
       Sometimes it will be to hold politicians accountable for violating the public trust.
       Sometimes it will be to hold government, physicians and pharmaceutical companies accountable for all of the lies about vaccines.
       Sometimes it will be to stand up for children.
       Hold people accountable.
       Be your own patriot.
       Do the right thing.

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