Sunday, September 1, 2013

KS&L Chapter 406 Pick a Card, Any Card by Tina Erwin

       That’s what the card sharks say when they want to prove how clever they are, how stupid they make you feel and how desperately they want to make you believe in their crafty skill. Then they proceed to ‘guess’ what card you took.
       What’s the harm, it’s just a trick – right? Yes, it is just a trick, a slight of hand and for the most part pretty harmless. However, there are other types of card games, other types of card tricks that are not so harmless, not so simple.
       These other types of cards are even more magic: they can predict the future! Either you pick the card, or the card reader ‘picks a card for you.’ Then the reader proceeds to tell you your future or your fortune. Perhaps this person does a ‘reading.’
       They call these folks ‘fortune tellers,’ and they do not all use crystal balls, most of them use cards. These individuals consider themselves psychic and claim that they can use their psychic skills to tell your future.
       But we each have many unique futures to choose from, many paths to follow. Any fortuneteller will only see one or two possible futures that are apparent at that precise moment in time. That’s it. Nothing more. It also doesn’t mean that the future the ‘seer’ actually sees is going to happen. You have free will and you can choose a different path.
       Also, no future seer can see all the facets of your future, the factors in mitigation, the themes and variations that make any person’s life the complicated hand-made quilt that defines each of us. Many patterns shape us; many stiches of various colors of thread help us to construct our lives. We are not just one color on the quilt. We are all the colors, the swatches of fabric representing each experience that create the elegant definition of what creates the dynamic of a soul.
       And no fortuneteller can see our past lives and the influence those previous life experiences have on us. No one can see the batting inside the quilt, that gives it shape and dimension and no one can see the mosaic of the lives previously lived that help us to be who we are. We have those experiences for a reason.
       The cards I am referring to are Tarot or Runes cards, the ostensible tools of the garden-variety psychic.
       But what if the these cards, are actually the puppeteers and not the tools?
       What if the psychic is the tool and the cards are the vehicle for a much more powerful magician on another realm?
       What if this magician uses the ego of the mortal Tarot card reader to manipulate that person and then use his or her energy – and the energy of all of his or her fortune-seeking clients? Here’s how it works.
       The Tarot or Runes reader asks her ‘client’ to shuffle the deck, cut the deck and shuffle it again – so that the client’s energy goes into the cards. Then the client hands the deck back to the Tarot reader. The reader then lays out the cards in a specific pattern and ‘reads’ the signs and symbols in the cards to determine the future of the client. [Bet that card reader never cleans or clears those cards. . . . imagine the sheer volume of negative energy that those cards hold. . . . shudder.]
       Other Tarot/Runes readers work with clients over the phone or on the radio, on air, and ‘pull a card’ or ‘work with their runes’ to get a sense of the client and then ‘do a reading.’
       The Tarot reader believes that ‘spirit’ is providing the information and that when the client shuffles the cards that the client is also connecting to that same spirit which is how the Tarot reader can ‘see’ the person’s future. This is also true of the psychic doing the reading over the phone and pulling a card or a rune. Pretty clever! However, no one ever asks whom this spirit really is, what the intention is and if the connection with that other dimensional spirit is fully severed.
       Many a thrill seeking client has found him or herself hooked on psychics. That clever magician or spirit on the other side is laughing all the way to the energetic bank while the hapless client spends many thousands of dollars representing loss of energy, on the psychic.
       No, you would think that with this clever plan, the psychic would be rich, but none of them are wealthy because that ‘spirit’ on the other side is in reality, also bleeding the Tarot reader energetically dry as well. No one wins here except the immortal black magician.
       Those true Lightworkers who seek to help people do so without the use of Tarot/Rune cards. They do so by connecting to God, not some unidentified spirit. These souls connect with their own Higher Selves and access God. They do not need or use any form of divination.
       That means, that they do not use Runes, Angel Cards or any form of Tarot card that would even hint at divination. It also means that they do not use even inspirational cards.
       Want inspiration? Go outside, listen to nature, send prayers and healing to the world. You do not need a stack of specially cut thickened pieces of stiff paper with funny symbols on them to connect to God.
       No one requires an intermediary or a symbolic tool to speak to the Divine. No one needs a specific building of wood and stone to speak to God. God is there, without cards, without runes, without any form of divination.
       The more each person connects with God directly the emotionally stronger, the spiritually wealthier, and the happier he or she can be for the rest of this and all future lives.

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