Sunday, January 6, 2013

KS&L 393 I Predict. . . by Tina Erwin

         We’re starting a new year, and all kinds of people are going to be making their predictions for the coming months, so I thought I’d throw in my predictions as well.
         Let’s see, what does my crystal ball say? But first, which one do I use? I have hundreds of crystal balls: rose quartz, clear quartz, amethyst, and citrine, but wait, I’m getting distracted. I think clear quartz will do.
         As seers of old have done, I gently wave my hand over the ball as if I want to almost smell the various stenches of some coming of events as well as the glorious aromas of others. What will the future of this year be like?
         Well, I can smell the stench of corruption, grief and sadness in several places. The mists of future time are clearing:
         • I see corruption in a government agency! 
         • Some type of corruption will be uncovered in at least one major bank. What a shock that will be!
         • A union organization somewhere will ‘mishandle’ pension funds.
         • Senators and Congressmen of both parties will have several of their ‘esteemed’ members get caught drunk driving, be involved in a sordid scandal of some kind or will be bought by a lobbyist. Imagine that!
         • I predict that more people will ‘snap’ and that more shootings will take place because the frequency of the planet is rising and no amount of legislation will stop it. No law or drug can cease the endless pain, profound abandonment and smoldering anger some people are now feeling at ever-increasing intensity levels. When that emotion erupts, people around that person will be hurt and that will include strangers, friends and family.
         • A jealous husband will kill his wife.
         • An amazing number of people will discover a spouse’s infidelity, become divorced and struggle with grief and anger.
         • People will die of all kinds of cancer.
         • The Middle East will find itself embroiled in strife, the same strife that I have witnessed my entire life as I have watched this part of the world.
         • There will be several major earthquakes.
         • There will be severe flooding in some part of the world that creates disaster.
         • There will be water events [hurricanes, tsunamis, typhoons and perfect storms] along coastal areas of the world that will destroy thousands of home – again.
         • Many people will compromise their integrity for money. People can be bought.
         • Thousands more ‘messy’ trees will be chopped down because people can’t be bothered with nature. Habitat will continue to be destroyed.
         • Arrogant scientists will continue to tinker with Mother Nature and irresponsibly ignore the super weeds, super insects and diseased people they are creating, not to mention the destruction of natural elements.
         • Doctors will continue to maim small children with vaccines and then look bewildered at the tragic aftermath.

         There is balance in everything. Now let’s look at the more aromatic and hopeful events that the crystal ball can sense:
         • The government will still continue to pay out social security, veterans benefits and help people with disabilities.
         • Non-corrupt charities (and they do exist) will continue to help people in crisis, and on a daily basis, when it isn’t Christmas, and when it isn’t news. Non-profits around the world will continue to go about their giving business with care and integrity. Americans, the most generous people on earth, will continue to give to those less fortunate.
         • Families will continue to love one another, giving joy and sharing sorrow. The stronger the family unit, the healthier each individual family member will be because each will be in resonance with the other healthy members.
         • People everywhere will seek to ‘get ahead’ to rise to a better place then they were previously, or last year or last week. Without the hope of a better tomorrow, there is no point in getting out of bed.
         • There will still be glorious sunrises and sunsets.
         • Beautiful children will continue to be born to parents who love them and embrace their futures together.
         • Couples will fall in love this year, some will get married and wake up to learn about each other and the adjustment that marriage always brings.
         • Some people will survive astonishing accidents where they should have died. They will be changed and will grow.
         Millions and millions of people will pray, every day. This prayer energy will be what keeps the world going, what opens people’s hearts and allows spiritual progress to take place.
         • Restaurants the world over will safely feed all of us who are tired of cooking, can’t cook or who are traveling.
         • Caregivers everywhere will get up to face another day of helping someone who desperately needs their help.
         • The airline, train, and ocean going industry, will continue to operate their planes, trains and ships in an overwhelming safe manner. We trust them with our lives.
         • New electronic gadgets will come out to amaze and delight us and challenge us to keep up with technology. They also invite us to ponder however we managed without them!
         • People who have harmed nature, will be balanced by those who have greatly embraced nature and who will risk their lives protecting it.
         Good and bad things will continue to happen this year. Those aren’t hard to predict. However, there is a sense of security, of hope in the thought that some things will continue to be what they have always been and that others can change. Every single day is an opportunity to help someone else, to right a wrong or to stand up to something that simply isn’t right. This is who we are, who we want to be and why the world is still in one piece, because each of us has the opportunity that mortal life provides to make a difference in everything we do.
         I predict that if you are reading this, that you are one of those people who will definitely make a difference in the lives of many this coming year.  Happy New Year!

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