Sunday, January 15, 2012

KS&L 370 Haunted Antique Jewelry

By Tina Erwin

Can antiques affect us? Can antique jewelry carry the energy of its previous owner? Consider the following article that appeared in a Virginia Beach newspaper in 2012:


By Terry Kovel, The Virginian Pilot/Ledger Star, Jan 2012

We have heard many stories about “haunted antiques” through the years, and we often ask readers to send us their stories. Clocks seem to be the most likely to be haunted.

One reader’s mother bought a modern sunburst wall clock in 1952. It stayed on the kitchen wall. Her father died in 1982, and in 1992 her mother began dating. Whenever the boyfriend came over, the clock would make a “grunting” noise. According to the reader, “Mother married and her new husband asked that the clock be thrown out, but I put it in the attic. In 2006 they divorced, and I brought the clock into the kitchen. It is quiet now. Mother said she should have listened to the clock.”

Several families reported having wind-up clocks that started ticking or chiming when family members got together weeks after a funeral.

But the strangest story we heard was about an antique glass necklace a reader inherited from her husband’s family. She told us that whenever she wore the necklace, she had an accident involving water – a glass tipped over, a vase broke, a drink was spilled on her, she even fell in a pool. Then one day her mother-in-law commented that it was nice to see her wearing her great-aunt’s necklace. Did she know that her aunt was a survivor of the sinking of the Titanic?

Estate Pieces of jewelry have always intrigued us. Some of the pieces, especially from the 1920’s are so unique that they call to us. Some pieces that we find in the special section of jewelry stores or antique shops seem to beckon us with their old world flair or unusual designs. However, jewelry unlike antique wooden pieces seems to carry with it a much larger level of predecessor energy than perhaps any of us had previously imagined.

Predecessor energy is the carry-over energy from the previous owner(s). Jewelry is primarily composed of metal and crystal, either man-made crystal or true gemstones. We know that metal carries with it the energy of its owner, almost becoming completely imbued with the trials and tragedies of that person’s life. Gemstones absolutely absorb the energy of whoever holds or wears them. Who ever thinks to clear the energy of jewelry?

In the two examples above, both items, clocks and jewelry, involve quite a bit of metal, especially clock mechanisms. Can you imagine the trauma the woman suffered who survived the sinking of the Titanic? Can you imagine how haunted this woman would have been by her experience? The Hope Diamond had quite a dramatic and powerful history as well, and each of its owners met with some type of difficulty. Currently only the Smithsonian Institution can ‘safely’ own that huge necklace.

Think about it, when was the last time you psychically cleaned your own jewelry: probably never. Most people do not have the tools to clean and clear the jewelry they own much less think about clearing the jewelry that someone else owned. This seems to makes owning estate jewelry quite problematic. Literally, the jewelry holds on to the karma of its previous owners and no one ever thinks to purge the piece or pieces of the originally contaminating energy.

One woman told me that about 12 years ago she purchased a gorgeous emerald and diamond ring at an antique shop. Only upon reflection did she realize that from that moment forward, her life began to deteriorate. She sold the ring.

Another woman was given her deceased mother’s emerald and diamond ring. But every time she wore it, she got a headache. When she removed the ring, the headache ceased. So she did everything she knew how to do to ‘clear the ring’. She began by washing it in salt water, then soapy water, then she sat it in the sun, then she burned Dragon’s Blood resin and held the ring in the smoke. She even blessed the ring and filled it with light. Still every single time she put that ring on, she felt that headache return. How could this be? Does this mean that sometimes, you simply cannot clear certain pieces of jewelry?

The interesting element here is that the woman’s mother had led a somewhat sad life of endless frustration and disappointment. The ring had spent 25 years on the woman’s hand. The ring by now had karma attached to it and it would appear that no amount of cleaning and clearing could remove the karmaic energy that had become resident in that ring.

In the case above at least the daughter knew why she had a headache when she wore her mother’s ring. However, when people buy vintage jewelry in any type of jewelry or antique shop, they have absolutely no idea what happened to the owner or owners of that piece. And since they will never fully know that, they will also never know what karma is attached to the jewelry piece.

Perhaps the final question in all of this is just how could karma attach to something like a ring? Because all acts of anger, rage, or violence and all the emotions of frustration, depression, and hopelessness, literally create an energy field within the ring. The ring or other object carry the energy of the karma the person earned while wearing the ring. Simply because the person sells the ring or dies, does not mean that that karmic energy is automatically cleared. It isn’t. It stays resident with the object.

How long will the karma be attached to a piece of jewelry or any other type of antique? No one knows. It depends on the karma created while wearing or using the antique object. This is why it is quite problematic to own these pieces, beautiful though they may be.

Can you confidently own a previously worn and loved piece of jewelry or clock? Yes. However, it would be wise to learn all you can about the object so that you can evaluate whether or not owning this is worth the karmic burden that accompanies it.

1 comment:

  1. Not another horror movie here. Haunted Jewelries are catchy. but for most they would definitely be frightened by the idea that it is haunted, diamond buyers believe that every stone has their story.
