Sunday, January 17, 2010

Essential Oil Uses: Valor and RC

The following are testimonials from people who have used these two oils for various issues. I cannot tell you for sure that they are true, but I can say that essential oils, especially these two blends from Young Living Essential Oils are really fantastic. In these testimonials, they discuss fear, which lives in the kidneys along with grief. Perhaps they can help release fear, and grief.

Essential Oils raise your frequency. The higher your personal frequency, the less likely you are to become sick, injured or depressed. Good essential oils help keep you in a physically and emotionally balanced place.

Valor and R C Testimonials
I have been using Valor daily on the bottom of my feet
because of what Dr. LeAnne Deardeuf mentioned about
how she used Valor oil when she first began using
Young Living Oils. She put 1 or 2 drops of Valor on the
bottom of her feet every day.
After about 3 months, she had a release of 35 pounds of
excess water weight in one day. She explained that the
word valor means courage and courage is the opposite of
fear. The kidneys hold the emotion fear. The Valor had
released her of all kinds of fear which let go of water
which was probably a protection for her.
Well, I have been using Valor daily since August 26th. I
did release some excess water but I didn't notice a
number in weight. I tend to avoid the scales. ; ) I know I
released some water because I am noticing it in my
shoes. They were tight before but now they are loose. I
hadn't thought of it but when I was running through the
airport, I had trouble keeping them on.
It was at the airport where I really noticed some BIG
changes in myself. Actually I noticed it weeks before the
trip. I usually hate traveling anywhere by plane. I
generally have all kinds of anxiety about flying. During
the weeks before the trip, I kept wondering when the
anxiety would set in. It never did. I was happy and
excited to be going on the trip.
Once I got to the airport, I was having NO FEAR!
Normally I would get irritated if anyone would talk to me. I
was focused on surviving the trip and would ignore
people. This trip was different. I was calm and talking
with people along the way. Another thing that I is different
is that I actually slept on the plane. Before I would have
never been able to relax enough to sleep.
The whole trip was just wonderful and free of stress. I
don't ever remember enjoying a trip so much and feeling
such peace.
This reduction fear has shown itself in other areas of my
life. I am finding myself doing things that, in the past, I
would never have been able to do.
No anxiety attacks!!! I haven't had any at all in a couple
of months. I would get them in association with things
that don't feel comfortable doing. I have always had the
ability to press on and do things in spite of my fear but
now I am doing things with NO FEAR!! I am so loving the
way I am feeling since using Valor daily.
Valor is an oil I think everyone needs, especially if you
are dealing with things that cause stress. If you haven't
tried Valor yet, you've got to experience it. It's

R.C. Testimonials
I have an employee who has suffered with chest
congestion for quite awhile. Knowing I'm into oils, she
finally admitted her doctor's advice was not clearing up
her congestion and asked if I had anything for her. I
immediately pulled out my RC and handed it to
her, told her to put it on her chest and throat. She did,
returned to her case (she is a rural mail carrier), and
continued to do her work. About 1.5 hours later, she
was ready to leave to deliver the mail, so I handed her
the RC and told her to reapply the oil.
When she got back several hours later from her cold, wet
day, she came to me all excited and said she had not
coughed the entire time she was out in her jeep!
I had her apply some more to get her through the night.
The next morning, she reported she had slept soundly,
with no coughing. Julia

My dad had bronchitis a couple of weeks ago. He was
so congested he couldn't lay down to sleep and had to sit
in a chair. In the morning I used two drops of Raven on
his feet and two or three drops of RC on his chest and
back. At night I switched and used RC on the feet and
Raven on the chest and back. Within two applications
his congestion was completely gone and his cough had
stopped. I used peppermint on the bottom of his feet for
the fever. Vanessa

Yes, Yes Yes, my very first true miracle healing
happened with my second oil order 3 years ago when I
had an ever progressing bronchitis, that totally
zapped me. I read about RC and used it as soon as it
and my diffuser came. I put the RC in the diffuser,
rubbed some on my chest, my feet and inhaled
from my hands, had my husband put some on my back,
ran the diffuser for 1 hour that evening as I went off to
sleep. (husband unplugged it later) I slept through the
night for the first time in weeks, no coughing and I woke
up the next morning with not even a trace of the misery I
had for over 3 weeks.
I also recommend that the person drink lots of distilled or
purified water, do a bowel cleanse especially if he or she
used medications. Get rid of the toxins, get rid of the
residues in the system, clean the colon, don't let a
clogged bowel reabsorb all that taxic material.
Yes, RC works wonders. If you do not have it, use any of
the oils you have. Raven, Peppermint, work well also.

1 comment:

  1. I have posted your comment but if anyone can translate it, I would love to know what my commenter said! Thanks, Tina
