Sunday, March 27, 2011

KS&L 348 The Challenges of Edgar Cayce Part 2

One of the cruelest tests of Edgar’s veracity was the time several supposed physicians sought to expose Mr. Cayce as a fraud while he was giving a reading. They physically assaulted him by sticking large needles into his arms, hands and feet. Edgar did not respond [because he was in trance]. Then one doctor cruelly stuck a needle all the way through Edgar’s cheeks. Finally one of them took a penknife and ran the blade under Edgar’s left forefinger. Slowly the nail was lifted away from the flesh. Needless to say, Mr. Cayce awoke in agony.

The twentieth century was supposed to be the age of reason and science. However, it appeared that science had separated itself from God and anything that was not science was suspect. The cruel irony was that many organizations had entire funds set up to study and record authentic examples of psychic phenomena, the ones science truly could not explain. Harvard University was one such institution. This school sent representatives and they did seem to believe in his authenticity, but neither Harvard nor any other school ever made any of the grant money available to Mr. Cayce to further study what he was doing for the people he helped.

Some people wanted Edgar to dress up in costume, hide behind curtains and appear mysterious. They even volunteered to pay him $1,000 a day to do this. Edgar refused. He would have nothing to do with any action that made his ability appear to be fraudulent. Edgar Cayce was not only honest to a fault with the skill God had given him he was also true to himself.

Medical authorities always remained skeptical of Cayce, discounting his readings because he had no formal medical training. Yet, despite this, Cayce’s treatment recommendations worked when the recommendations of allopathic doctors failed.

Consider how humiliating this would have been for these doctors: a man with a 9th grade education is able to correctly diagnosis, prescribe and heal people at a distance by going to sleep! The irony was that the physicians, who truly cared deeply about healing their patients, followed what Edgar said. The other doctors, who refused to believe his readings, would not.

Sometimes it was difficult for Edgar Cayce to understand within himself what this ability could do. Yet, Cayce was a man so pure of heart, that even though he often questioned himself, he continued to pray every day for Divine guidance. Sometimes he wondered if he should be doing this medical psychic work at all. Yet his patients were devoted to him. Cayce’s readings were successfully used to help his son with horrific photographic powder flash burns to his face and eyes. Edgar helped his wife, Gertrude with a life threatening illness. His readings helped his other son as well.

Cayce struggled with finances all of his life. Money was a chronic problem, primarily because he did not charge and was spending so much time helping people that he had difficulty developing his photographic career into a financially viable business. Edgar inherently knew to his very core, that to use his ability to charge large sums of money, or to help only those who could pay, would engender an absolute loss of that ability.

At one point in the readings, Mr. Cayce was advised to open a hospital in Virginia Beach, Virginia, which he did in November of 1928. There the hospital could charge people a nominal fee to defray the expenses of the hospital. Once the hospital was opened it was routinely booked three months in advance. The entire load of identifying treatments fell to Mr. Cayce and instead of doing the four readings a day that the readings advised, he raised them to six a day. From June 1943 to June 1944, Cayce gave 1385 readings. He did not want to say no to anyone in need. Finally, in one of the readings, he was told to rest or he would die. While he did rest for several months, he passed away in Jan of 1945 at the age of 68.

One might wonder why doing these readings was so exhausting for him; wasn’t the energy coming from God? After all, wasn’t he asleep and resting during the readings? Doing the readings was utterly exhausting because when any mortal soul acts as a medium, or conduit for the energy of the Divine, they literally are using their own body as a type of step-down transformer, making the energy of the Divine, the information of healing available on a level that the patient and the family would readily use. Mr. Cayce may have appeared to be resting, but he was in fact working most diligently. Even in the resting/sleeping state, it takes great concentration, discipline and skill to host such powerful energy, day after day, week after week, and year after year – for your entire life.

And what a life! Upon his death, Edgar Cayce left behind a life’s work of some 30,000 readings! This legacy of invaluable information, remedies, procedures and devices are still in use to this day. Perhaps we will never fully appreciate the degree of Edgar Cayce’s sacrifice. However, we can at least now have a greater respect for the depth of his pure love for humanity and the dynamic example of his tremendous service to all mankind.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

KS&L 347 The Challenges of Edgar Cayce Part 1

How many times have people wondered what it would be like to be psychic, not just a little, but to have real ‘powers’, powers that could change people’s lives. What if you had the power to tell someone what their illness was and how to cure it? What if you had the power to learn a book simply by sleeping with your head on the book? What if you had the super power of seeing into the future, or could share the reality of what had happened in the past, in places like Egypt, Atlantis, or Lemuria? Imagine. Wouldn’t that be awesome! Or would it?

What most people do not understand would be that to have those supposed powers, you would have to have the ability to live with the responsibility and the reactions of non-super power enhanced people. Sometimes, wanting and having are very different realities. Having abilities that are beyond the norm of ordinary people would end up being the challenge of a person’s entire lifetime.

And such is the extraordinary case of Edgar Cayce. Mr. Cayce never even contemplated having any such elevated psychic ability. The reality he probably expected, was living a simple life with a sweet wife, children, friends and neighbors and working at his job. He never dreamed of the life he would eventually be living. He certainly didn’t dream of being as famous as he eventually became.

Edgar Cayce was the real thing, a man with truly tremendous psychic skills. He literally was born with this ability and throughout his life he struggled to find the best use of it for the greatest good for all people. Learning how to use it in a spiritually correct way was hard enough. But fundamentally, it was the reactions of other people that were among the most challenging aspects of living and working with the most sophisticated psychic ability ever consistently recorded in modern times.

The child Edgar Cayce could see ghosts as well as nature spirits. Several family members also had this ability, which frequently runs in families. As a youngster, he discovered that he could learn the contents of any book, or any length, simply by sleeping on it. He was able to recall every single word in the correct order in whatever book he ‘slept on’ and he did not lose that memory over time. Is this a miracle? If that is not a skill the rest of us can easily acquire, then perhaps it can be considered a miracle.

As a young man, Mr. Cayce lost his voice for several months and no doctor could heal him. Finally, a very clever doctor suggested asking Edgar, while in the sleep state, how to help himself to heal. To everyone’s astonishment, a voice came from Edgar giving exact instructions for healing himself – on the spot! This event opened the door to Edgar Cayce’s life of service to those in need of healing through his life readings. Literally, he could lay down, instantly fall asleep and once a suggestion was made that a person at an address anywhere in the world needed healing, a voice would come from Cayce with exact instructions for healing this person. Once the patient had been acquired and their status recorded, then an analysis of the illness and treatment was meticulously provided. Mr. Cayce’s track record was impeccable. His knowledge while asleep, of anatomy, physiology, chemistry, homeopathy and healing was unmatched. Literally, he was never wrong. The patient may have needed follow-up later, but the initial diagnosis was routinely correct.

But Edgar Cayce had no more than a 9th grade education. He was not a doctor, and had never studied any of these topics, yet, one allopathic physician after the other verified that Edgar’s analysis was not simply correct but often genius. What Edgar Cayce was able to do, was in many minds, truly a miracle from God.

Often, however, miracles engender jealousy, fear, disbelief and resentment. If you are witnessing a miracle, you may be required to rethink your very belief structure. Sometimes this miracle will mean that what you believed to be true – something as common as: all psychics are charlatans – will have to change. Often the purity of Mr. Cayce’s intentions unnerved people and made them question him even more, even though he never charged for the services he provided.

Because of his unique ability, Mr. Cayce led a challenging life. Should he tell people what he could do? How should he help? How do you get people to believe the astounding? Cayce suffered not only insults, such as the Harvard professor, who, upon witnessing a reading, called him a simpleton and another physician referred with skepticism in his voice, to Edgar’s ‘so-called powers.’ But worse things were to come: he also suffered physically because of this disbelief.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

KS&L 349 Making Sense of the Inconceivable: The March to 2012

Everyone seems to be waiting for December 21, 2012 to arrive, expecting on that day, at that moment that some catastrophic event is going to take place. People wonder if the Mayans were correct and the world as we know it will end in terrible cataclysmic events. What if the Mayans were right and wrong all at the same time?

What if the world will not actually end, but life as we think we know it will end and a new time of change will begin? Perhaps that expected event is already happening. What if the karmic wheel is already turning and we as a planet are being allowed to have the energy of the events spread out over months, days and years. What if the events expected in 2012 are already in process? Think back to when our first creeping awareness of the validity of the predictions began to become manifest. Consider the following earthquake statistics* and remember that with the total number of quakes, of that number the higher ones are listed, ex. In 2001, 47 quakes were above a 6.0 on the Richter Scale and of those 47 quakes, 14 were above a 7.0 and one of the 47 was an 8:

1995 saw 59 above 6.0, none higher that year.

1996 saw 36 above 6.0, none higher that year.

1997 saw 37 above 6.0, none higher that year.

1998 saw 30 above 6.0, none higher that year.

1999 saw 37 above 6.0, none higher that year.

2000 saw 47 above 6.0, none higher that year.

2001 saw 45 above 6.0, 14 above 7.0 and one over 8.

2002 saw 20 above 6.0, 11 above 7.0 and none above 8.

2003 saw 34 above 6.0, 14 above 7.0 and an 8.3.

2004 saw 28 above 6.2, 9 above 7.0, one over 8 and a 9.1

2005 saw 33 above 6.0, 9 above 7.0 and one over 8.

2006 saw 27 above 6.0, 9 above a 7.0 and 2 over 8.

2007 saw 46 above 6.0, 15 above 7.0 and 4 over 8.

2008 saw 47 above 6.0, 12 above 7.0 and while none were over an 8 there was a 7.9 in China.

2009 saw 54 above 6.0, 17 above 7.0 and one over 8.

2010 saw 50 above 6.0, 22 above 7.0 and one over 8.

2011 as of 14 March: 14 above 6.0, 6 above 7.0, none over 8 and a 9.1.

The point to be made here is that it would appear, statistically speaking that the energy of our changing planet is being spread out over at least 15-20 years. Imagine if all of that energy were to be released at once. We would probably be vaporized! What is generating the events? Consider these facts:

• The frequency of the Earth is rising.

• We are in a period of significant solar flares which is why we have increased earthquake, tsunami, tornado, and volcano activity.

• The moon is now closer to the earth than at any time in recorded history. Imagine the power of that increased magnetic pull.

• The Earth is in the process of lining up with all of the other planets and this action is creating an additional huge shift in the magnetic pull on the Earth.

• Each massive quake over an 8.0 causes the Earth to rotate just a few microseconds faster. Consider that in the last 7 years, we have had 14 quakes over an 8.0. No wonder we seem to feel that time has speeded up!

• The faster the rotation, the faster the various stresses and strains on the core of the Earth.

There is a tremendous amount happening in the planet itself. This huge shift, spread out over roughly the last fifteen years is also making people feel increasingly uneasy. We are seeing rising levels of insanity, depression and greater and greater health problems. Many people are living longer, but enjoying it less because of their health. These Earth changes affect people in challenging, often political ways, as we are seeing. More and more people want less government, more freedom and greater access to information.

Hang on! It’s not over yet. We are about to see quite a bit of real estate rearranged as we fly through the next ten to fifteen years. Our task is to balance and digest each huge news event and it seems that events are coming at us faster and faster. We may all be suffering from outrage, astonishment, and catastrophe fatigue.

We will witness tremendous changes in our life times. We can move forward through this time with grace, if we accept that as challenging as this is to understand, all is still happening in perfect order. We really will be all right. Elements of our world may seem to end, but our beloved Earth will simply rearrange things a bit and many aspects of our lives will still be all right. Our prayers sent to all the people of the world, will help tremendously. Our calm determination to see all of this through combined with our absolute faith in the wisdom of the Divine, will surely assist us a we barrel toward 2012, and the already beginning New Age.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

KS&L 346 The Global Emotional Weather Front

Did you ever notice that when there is a weather front moving into your area you are able to feel the shift in energy? You watch the sky, prepare for what you may imagine coming and then observe whether or not it happens. You may even be able to sense the weather change in various parts of your body. Some people are so sensitive they even react to the phases of the moon. Even though you may often feel somewhat disconnected, on levels you are not aware of, you are still connected to nature because all of nature is energy.

Everything is energy.

Everyone is vibrating out some type of energy and ultimately you are connected to literally millions of people who are also vibrating out all types of negative, positive and neutral energy.

In today’s global society, we pride ourselves on how many ‘friends’ we have and those friends can extend to every country on the planet. This literally means that whether you consciously realize it or not, you are now absolutely, positively connected to everyone on the planet.

This remarkable web of connections isn’t getting smaller. It is growing exponentially with each passing minute. This isn’t simply about social networking sites; it is about having second-by-second access to global news, information, tragedy, triumph and catastrophe. People you never heard of are uploading information on YouTube and becoming an overnight sensation. Fifteen minutes of fame is now able to come to a friend, neighbor or co-worker near you.

In the Hawaiian Huna tradition, there is a description of something called ‘aka cords.’ Aka cords are created every single time you connect with another person, place or thing. On a spiritual level, these aka cords are a type of psychic energy string that emanates from your solar plexus. These strings, these aka cords, are the actual psychic connections you have created which link you to all of your social networking friends, families, co-workers and ‘five-degrees of separation’ friends all over the world.

Energy follows thought. All the thoughts that seven billion people are having are now ricocheting around the planet. We are all hopelessly connected on physical and now psychic levels. This means that when a group of people in a country is going through great turmoil, you can easily see how those feelings can begin to spread all over the world. These ideas, hopes, and frustrations are now traveling with the speed of thought.

The sheer volume of emotion from even one country facing civil war, civil unrest or natural catastrophe is going to echo out around the world in a type of informational energy wave. Now magnify that energy if the political problem is affecting several neighboring countries, and you have a tremendous wave of emotion that is going to sweep the world.

Back to our weather fronts: what is the difference between the energy wave of weather that you can know you can feel, and the energy wave of emotion from various countries in the midst of civil unrest? Well, there is no difference. The entire planet will feel the disturbance in the emotional force of one area. It is as if a ‘detrimental emotional front’ is on the horizon and you are becoming increasingly aware that you can feel it. How are you feeling it?

Having trouble sleeping?

Do you have a vague sense of unease but you are not sure where it is coming from?

Do you find that a growing distrust is forming within you of established institutions?

Are you feeling a sense of inner disquiet as you gaze into the future? Is the future you thought you were anticipating metamorphosisizing into something you no longer recognize?

Perhaps what you are feeling is the global emotional front. Just like any weather system, it flows around the planet in eddies and currents and so does the emotional energy of millions of people longing for something different in their lives. The difference is that now, because we are all so profoundly connected we can each feel it.

Welcome to the 21st Century.