Sunday, October 31, 2010

KS&L 160 Ghosts Part 4: Helping Ghosts and Clearing Dark Hauntings

We have all seen these reality TV shows where the psychic goes into a location and says they sense the presence of ghosts . . . and then the psychic leaves and the ghost is still there. That is not service. That is useless sensationalism.

Why is it important to clear a location once you know that you are in the presence of a ghost? Because sending on a ghost, is the compassion that you would/will want for yourself.

Imagine what it must feel like to all of a sudden discover that you are dead and not have any idea what to do to help yourself. You can see people crying, you are trying to talk to them and they just cannot hear you. Or worse, you have died a violent death and you see some chilling, dark intelligences around you and you awaken to an entirely new level of fear.

Sometimes a person in an automobile accident or traumatic event is literally knocked out of the body. The physical body is removed and the soul body is still at the accident site trying to talk to the paramedics, the police and their family. They return home, not realizing how they got there. Once you are dead, you can travel with the speed of thought. Often you travel on the connecting cords that bound you to certain people. This is why a family member will “know” when a loved one living far away has died – the soul visits them immediately after death often to say goodbye.

A soul still earns karma in the 4th dimension. Karmic law is still in effect for them because they are, in one way or another affecting the living. A ghost who jumps in a car and distracts a driver and causes that driver to have an accident earned karma for that event. So moving on any soul has untold benefits.

There is another more esoteric reason to help a soul and that is to help the Earth. Imagine the burden on the Earth of all these souls who still think they are alive. It is much better to move on immediately when the Light comes than to linger for even a moment.

If you sense the presence of a ghost, no matter where you are, there are some simple things you can do no matter what your faith or religion. First of all, if you think you are sensing something, you probably are. Next, do not be afraid. Be helpful. You can say this simple prayer:

“Oh Mighty God, I ask that Angels of Transition immediately come down and assist this soul or these souls and take them to the appropriate realm. I thank you Father for this assistance and I thank these Angels for their service. I pray that this soul will receive the needed help on the appropriate realm. Amen.”

Then, get on with your day, knowing that you have done wonderful service. Now, if you sense a ghost in someone’s house and they know they have this ghost and they do not want you to remove the ghost, explain that they are holding up this soul’s spiritual progress by not allowing them to move on, by not helping them. If they refuse, then there is little you can do because this is not your property. This is a sticky point, but one to consider. You can do this prayer at public places, in your own home and in hospitals. You can do this prayer at accident sites. You can also send prayers of helpfulness to these souls once you have moved them on.

If you are a psychic person and find hospitals difficult to take, ask that a team of these Angels of Transition assist you as you walk through the building, every single time you enter it so that all who may need assistance can so receive it.

It really is that simple. Television makes it seem so challenging, but it is not. The irony is that the element of simple caring and service can provide great benefit to so many people.

If you sense that the energy you are feeling is very dark, foreboding and just awful/icky, call a professional. Do not attempt to do this yourself. The reason is that unless you have done a great deal of work in this area, you can find yourself in a tough position and it can be, shall we say unnerving to say the least.

Burning a little sage and filling your house with white light will not clear dark energy or dark intelligences. Even burning Dragon’s Blood resin will not permanently clear dark intelligences or dark energy. Far more sophisticated assistance is required. You can make it quite uncomfortable for them by playing Mozart, using salt in strategic places throughout your home and frequently burning Dragon’s Blood, but the bottom line is, if it is that bad, you just need outside help.

While you are seeking outside help, it may be extremely important to do some research into the history of the piece of property. What predecessor energy still exists there and how might it be influencing the property today?

The other aspect is that you may have an object or a person in your home attracting this energy, so in these cases, there is just no simple fix. The solution may take literally months to permanently clear on every level, so patience and diligence will be required but the benefit to your spiritual progress will be tremendous.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

KS&L 159 Ghosts Part 3 How Do You Know Your House Is Haunted?

What are the clues that a house is haunted? Some of them may surprise you.

A house does not have to be old or Victorian to be haunted. Often very new houses are haunted primarily because the entire development is haunted. This can happen, because of the land on which the project was built has the energy of previous owners, something called predecessor energy. The following illustration is from my own personal experience.

We bought an 18-month old house in a brand new subdivision in Charleston, South Carolina. Almost immediately things began to happen, but they were never dramatic enough to force us to move, which we later found out was true for most of our neighbors. The sounds of people walking in a non-existent attic were initially unnerving, but eventually they ceased. Over a seven-year period, we heard pounding on the door, we heard people sounding like they were washing dishes in the kitchen, but no one was there. We heard people running down a hallway, but all were accounted for. We had things vanish: a pearl earring, 4 sets of contact lenses, a gold bracelet, a wallet, a pair of shoes and the list goes on and none of these items were ever found. We heard tapping over our heads and of course the most unnerving was the feeling that someone other than my husband [who was in bed beside me] was holding my hand. One very cold morning we discovered that every door and window in the house was wide open. Unfortunately, moving was not an option until we had military orders to move.

Eventually we found out that virtually all of our neighbors had similar experiences. One lady had a two-story house and every morning she came downstairs and all of her furniture was rearranged and a rocking chair was rocking all by itself. She moved. Another family figured their house must have been built over a stable because they heard horses clomping all night. My neighbor’s jewelry vanished. In addition, her ceiling rained water but when she checked, the counters had raindrops on them, but the ceiling was in fact dry.

We discovered through much research that this was the site of the Archdale Plantation where an earthquake had occurred in the late 1700’s and killed many people. At that time, we did not know how to clear houses.

Other signs that your house is haunted include sensing movement out of the corner of your eye – when you know you are alone. Smells are a key sign that something is haunting your home. Some smells are in fact mold, but some have no cause and are due to a haunting. Lights coming on when you know you did not turn them on, or off is another unnerving piece of ghostly evidence.

Horrific events or predecessor energy can create a host of problems depending on what happened to the property, you are living on. This is why a new house can be just as haunted as an old house.

Sometimes a home is not haunted by ghosts but by dark energies and these signs include legal problems, water problems, constant fighting, house and car repair problems that have no specific cause, health problems that just don’t seem to heal. Depression, and financial problems are key indicators of this unique type of haunting. Sleeplessness, the fear that if you sleep at night, terrible things will happen but you can’t explain it to anyone. Odd behavior by animals is another indicator. Plants that die or have difficulty growing around your house, are also a classic sign.

Another major indicator is the feeling that your house feels dirty no matter how much you clean it. There just seems to be excess dust and dirt. This “dirt” is psychic and you can feel it. If you could see into the other dimension, it looks like black soot.

Dark hauntings can be caused by other actions, including doing Ouija, Tarot and Dungeons and Dragons. The insidious nature of the dark energy coming in is gradual. You don’t notice it at first. Once a door to the other side is opened, you need an extremely skilled person to permanently close that door and clear the darkness.

Houses that have been used as Methamphetamine production sites cannot be cleared by purely psychic means. They not only have dark intelligences and ghosts, they are also extremely toxic. The location has to be evacuated and the physical ground has to be healed and the toxic waste removed.

There are other signs, but these are the most obvious. In part 4 the process of clearing a location.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

KS&L 158 Ghosts Part 2 Why Are There Ghosts

So, since we have established that ghosts do exist, then the question must be asked why do they exist? People don’t often ask that question, but it is important to ask, because there will come a moment for 100% of us when we, too, will have to come face to face with the 4th dimension and it will be most helpful to know what to do!

The method of death has a lot to do with what happens to us after physical death. If death is sudden, like an accident, very often, the person just has no idea that they are dead. They go around as they always have, talking to people and become infuriated that everyone seems to be ignoring them. Eventually there comes a moment when they realize that they are dead. For some it is a horrible realization. They may feel completely unprepared. Organized religion literally never tells a person what to do at the point of death.

If they have some religious/spiritual belief system, they will look for the light and hopefully ask for help. Actually they may have seen the light near them trying to help them, but rejected it because they were convinced that they were not dead. Death, of course, only happens to other people. Some people find it really cool to be dead and have a great time scaring friends and relatives. What they do not generally realize is that they are earning karma in this dimension. The karmic clock does not stop until you leave the third/mortal dimension and the fourth/non-mortal dimension.

If a person has a long illness, they may actually long for death and be completely ready for it when it comes. The Angel of Death will be in their hospital room, ready to escort them through the “valley of death” or 4th dimension. The Angel of Death is not a being to fear. Like all angels, he or she has a job to do and thank heaven they do this job! Once the sick person dies, the Angel of Death and perhaps other relatives who have passed on meet/greet the person newly separated from the body and help him or her through the darkness and into the light. Often if these people linger, it is only long enough to attend their own funeral and then they willingly move on.

If a person died a violent death, the act of violence will dramatically lower their frequency and one of the interesting facts is that the lower your frequency is at the point of death the harder and longer that transition is out of the 4th dimension. The higher a person’s frequency is, the easier the transition is to the heaven world. Ultimately, it is a math problem. Things that lower frequency and create problems at death are drug use, alcohol use/abuse, tobacco use, and violent behavior.

Suicides are almost always sorry, but to their intense sorrow, find that even death has not freed them from their emotional pain. They really need help, but usually never receive it. They almost always become ghosts – which is why a depressed person will go to a location where many people have committed suicide – they are in resonance with those ghosts, with the tragic, sorrowful energy of that location.

If a person was murdered, the extreme violence of this act will dramatically lower this person’s frequency, making transition quite difficult.

Hospitals and mental institutions are ghost factories. When any sensitive/psychic person walks into a hospital, they are bombarded by souls hoping someone can see them, help them and send them on. If you are psychic and do not understand what is happening, it can be a terrifying feeling. However, if you are that psychic, there is a process you can use to help them, which will be discussed on part 4.

Battlegrounds are usually filled with ghosts because of the violent nature of their deaths. They endlessly fight the same battles over and over, often never realizing that they are dead.

Battlefield hospitals are also ghost filled places. Often the doctors and nurses themselves remain, endlessly trying to help those who died. Although their frequency is high enough due to their service to readily move on, their dedication to the fallen often keeps them there.

In part three, recognizing a haunted house.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

KS&L 157 Ghosts Part 1 Do They Exist?

Did you ever listen to a small child ask any minister/reverend/priest of almost any religion if there is such a thing as a ghost? The answer virtually 100% of the time is that condescending smile that says “dear child, of course there is no such thing as ghosts.” This is a lie and the minister knows it. If the child persists, the clergy person says, that all people just move into the light. This is unfortunately, another lie and it is told all the time.

This same question when posed to any school science teacher will illicit the same answer: There is no such thing as a ghost – period. However, again, if the child persists and notes that 'matter is neither created nor destroyed, then what happens to the energy of the physical body at death' question gets the very heated response that religious matters cannot be discussed in school – period.

All right, then let us address the question of whether or not there are ghosts. Yes there are ghosts. Actually, there are lots of ghosts out there and a surprisingly large number of people “sense” their presence. Even people who would never in a million years consider themselves psychic, just feel “creepy” in certain locations and just as quickly exit the location.

Ghosts have existed throughout recorded history. Where did Dickens get his ideas for “The Christmas Carol”, if he did not surely, believe in ghosts in the first place? Why is there a law on the books in the State of South Carolina that states clearly that if your house is haunted, that you MUST disclose this to potential buyers? Why is the Catholic Church sending certain priests back to school to become exorcists at the rate of over 300 a year if there is not something out there that needs “divine intervention” – at least divinely from the Catholic Church point of view? Currently the Catholic Church cannot keep up with the number of requests for exorcisms. Why do so many people think that the Queen Mary moored in Long Beach, California is haunted – there are even shows about it? The list goes on. The point is that something is and has been happening that people cannot explain.

Can we prove that there are such things as ghosts? Can we prove that a location is haunted? Actually, there are all kinds of “Ghost Busters” out there who would like nothing better than to prove to anyone who will listen that there are ghosts. They use lots of electronic gear to measure electromagnetic output. Those people who are students of Biogeometry also find that many of the Biogeometry tools are quite helpful in determining if a location is haunted because Biogeometry tools measure energy, and are not influenced by what you think is there. Ghosts actually emit an energy field. Why? Because energy is neither created nor destroyed, so when a body dies, the energy that was resident in that physical body has to go somewhere. That soul essence still emits an energy field and it is measurable/identifiable.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. So to have that human experience, we need a casing in which to feel all these experiences. Hence, the physical body is an animated aspect that we use to do this. When we no longer need that human experience and we return to being a spiritual being, we literally shed that physical body shell.

The question is then, where does this energy that once animated the body – go? It has to go somewhere. This energy is the essence of the soul. The answer is that the soul enters the 4th dimension on its way to the correct dimension of the Heaven World. The 23rd psalm from the Bible describes it perfectly:

“Lo though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me. . .” The valley of the shadow of death is the 4th dimension and it is indeed quite dark and can be quite scary. The 4th dimension is the transition dimension – sort of like a step up transformer, which enables us to make the transition to the appropriate dimension.

We need that transition aspect because it is here that a certain amount of ‘soul’ sorting actually takes place. Many factors determine what happens to a soul after death. In part two, we will explore the factors that cause a soul to become a ghost.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

KS&L 324 Why Horrible Things Happen in Certain Locations


On a hot, sticky night on June 10th, 1912, in the quiet little town of Villisca Iowa, a powerful evil wind blew into the home of the Moore family and became manifest. On that fateful night, a rather tall person or persons, wielding an ax murdered all six family members in their beds. Two young neighbors, spending the night with the Moore family girls, the Stillinger sisters, were also murdered in the front bedroom. The news of this premeditated murder, rocked the tiny, tiny town. No one was ever found guilty of the crime although someone was unsuccessfully tried for it. To this day, no one lives in the old house because no one is ever very comfortable in this house even though it has had several owners since that tragic night a hundred years ago in 1910.

One of the questions that people often asked, was why did such vicious, raw violence, happen in that house? While on the surface, there did appear to have been a revenge motive for the killings: something about a shady business deal. However, the raw violence of the obviously, premeditated, murder-for-hire, massacre of men, women and children that occurred in that house on that night would seem to go way beyond mere business revenge.

This begs the question: could it be possible, that there was something about the land that may have incited such action? Was there a history of violence on the property, long before the Moore family bought the house? Was there something in the karmic history of the slaughtered individuals that put them in resonance with such horror? Let us peek into the past.

A very long time ago, before this country was settled, the Fox Indian tribe controlled that part of Iowa and they called it Willisca, which was a lovely place although not the part of town where the massacre house now sits. The specific area of town where the massacre house now sits was the exact location where the Fox and Sioux Indians sent their criminally insane family members and where over time they also cremated their dead. They put them there because they believed that the ground was very negative.

Eventually, by the time the Lewis and Clark Expedition explored the territory, the Iowan Indians had control of the area. The Iowan Indians changed the name from Willisca to Villisca. What is in a name? To the Fox and Sioux Indians, the word Villisca means evil place, the place of devil spirits. Apparently, the change in name was not a good sign for the town and that piece of property in particular.

But here again, what made the property, or that area, negative in the first place? Perhaps the answer to this takes us back to understanding the energy of an area. The native American peoples always studied where animals felt safe, how trees grew and what plants grew in which places. They knew instinctively that poisonous plants and plants with destructive growths, stinging insects and misshapen plant life, were negative places. They could see the evidence. Only creatures and plants in resonance with that energy would grow there.

Only creatures and plants in resonance with that energy would grow there. This brings up the resonance issue. The Indians avoided that location because they knew that staying there would eventually make them physically and spiritually sick. They would not keep their horses there either for that type of land was harmful to all healthy creatures. The Fox and Sioux Indians only took their insane people there because they believed that insane people were already in a physically and emotionally negative place. Eventually they cremated their dead there.

So if someone is insane, possibly criminally insane and he or she lives in that type of environment, the energy of that land would be continually imbued with that increasingly negative energy. No normally healthy person or animal would ever want to spend time there because they wouldn’t feel comfortable. Perhaps the criminally insane were more comfortable, more controllable on property in which they were in resonance. If the insane were not there and the Indians cremated their dead there eventually – again, this is not a spiritually positive place.

Back to the Villisca murders: why did that family pick that house to live in? Why did those children pick that family to have that experience and why did the Stillinger sisters go to that negative house on that specific night? Does this mean that these eight seemingly innocent people were on some level and in some karmic way in resonance with profound evil? Is this why they couldn’t feel this level of evil in the ground before they bought the property and moved in or for the Stillinger sisters, who visited that house?

Native people felt the earth beneath their feet. They learned the language of the earth and communicated with nature on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Few white men learned those precious lessons. Because of these facts, it would appear that the Moore family might not have been conscious of how negative the property was. They may not have been taught to heed that sense that tells them that something is very, very wrong. But if they were already in resonance with darkness on some level, they may never have felt the evil in the first place. They may not have realized that they were literally in resonance with profound evil. Maybe they were very angry about the business deal, or were angry at each other. Maybe something dark was haunting them and that feeling became their norm. We will never know what happened.

Perhaps the most critical aspect is the karmic aspect. Karma is always fair, always just. When people die together, even in a ferociously violent way, this is group karma. Even though an observer may not be able to fathom why the vicious death of six seemingly ‘innocent’ children could happen, we do not know the karmic path of any of those murdered souls. We cannot know why they had such a traumatic experience and nor how each of those souls will use that experience to balance something on their karmic path in the future. The curious aspect that no one was ever found guilty of the crime may have something to do with how the karma was balanced, for no other murders of that type took place any where near that town or in the town of Villisca and no one has ever really ‘lived a normal life’ in that

house again.

Perhaps one of the lessons of the Villisca Ax murders would be to absolutely listen to that psychic sense that tells you that something doesn’t feel right about a location. Remove anger from your life and research the history of a location before you purchase, rent or work in an area!

We attract what we are and if what we are attracting is negative, then we must change our life and only each one of us can make that karmically life-changing decision.